Vehicles That Rocks!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


A-bike - world's smallest bike?

Unlike other foldable bikes available in the market the A-bike offers a number of advantages with the main being portability. The A-Bike can be hand-carried anywhere – on public transport, taken into stores or stored in school lockers. Targetted at the urban consumer it weighs only 5.5kg (12 lbs) and can folds to a compact volume of less than 0.03 cubic meters (1.1 cubic feet) in a mere 10 seconds.

Importantly, the design of the A-Bike is such that it adjusts to fits all riders. It also has very small pneumatic tires which, based on recent valve developments, offer an extremely comfortable ride. The tire's inner tubes can be removed and repaired in the same way as a larger bicycle tire.
Price - $ 375
Source: A-bike


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